Sunday, March 8, 2009

Web 2.0 Definition

Web 2.0 is usually called ‘next generation’ of web-based products, services, designs, networking and businesses that controls the web platform independently or as a whole as the Internet continually expands. Web 2.0 was developed by Tim O’Reily in October 2004. the deployment Web 2.0 offered us with further interactive and more dynamic web; for instance web 2.0 rapidly increased in creativity, interaction and the ability to collaborated data through different web technologies. Source

Web 2.0 has become an innovative way to experience and explores the Internet across the globe. Web 2.0 has helped introduced the development and evolution to communicated between different web-based communities, hosted services and applications. Web 2.0 retrieved information from many different technology such as: Java Script, Ajax, XML programming and RSS.
Source: Tim O'Reilly (2005-09-30). "What Is Web 2.0". O'Reilly Network. Retrieved on 9/3/2009

Web 2.0 Examples

There are many examples of Web 2.0 such as:

Social networking: Facebook or MySpace or Bebo
As they allow people to share and communicate personal profiles, which are added, edited and controlled by the users across in the world.

Sites like this can be used for factual information on particular topics or a personal blogs where the user is able to use it like a online diary.

Allowing you to upload and download any kind of video, including, News, TV Shows, Movies ETC

Allowing us to share and distribute pictures.

Online encyclopedia: Wikipedia or Britannica
Online encyclopedia is run by the users allowing them to volunteer to write facts and fictional articles of the world around.

Interactive Design Definition

Interactive Design is the design of spaces for human communication; it allows humans to relate to different program and its users. Interactive Design is made up of a combination of several Medias, including sound, video, motion, images, graphic designs etc. Interactive Design also refers to the forms of products and services which allow people to interact and experience a particular situation to both physically and mentally.

According to Nathan Shedroff “Interactive Design can be broken down into four main spectrums” These including:
  • Feedback and Control - Focusing on how much control the audience has over the outcome or the rate, sequence or type of action and how much feedback exits in the interface.
  • Creative Experience and Productivity - Creative Experiences allow a user, creator and participant to create or share something with others.
  • Adaptive Experiences - Adaptive technologies are those that change the experience based on the behavior of the user, reader, consumer, or actor.
  • Communicative Experience - Provides the opportunities to meet others, talk with them, and share their personal stories and options.

Source : Alan Cooper, Robert M. Reimann & David Cronin: About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design (3rd edition), Wiley, 2007, ISBN 0-4700-8411-1.

Shredroff, Nathan. Information Interaction Design: A Unified Field Theory Design.

Interactive Design Examples

The following are just some examples of great interactive design websites on the Internet.

3D flash wall Website

Coca Cola Interactive Website

Interface design Website for O2 Mobile

Information/Informational Design Deifnition

Information / Instructional design can be described as a topic of creating and displaying informational data in a variety of layout which allows the reader to understand informational detail in an easy and innovative system. Information / Instructional Design have been within the human development since the early periods till now; still trying to find the best way to communicate informational message to all groups. Information/instructional designs can be found in various design formats such as: signs & symbols, graphs, maps, typography and statistical data.

Information/Instructional Design Examples

Instructional / informational design can be a combination of pictures base graphics or text based or other forms such as maps or statistical graphs. Here are some of the examples of these styles of graphic design:

eg: Statistical data

eg: Signs & Symbols

eg: Instructional graphics

eg: Maps